Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Sound of the Abundance of Rain

'The Sound of the Abundance of Rain'

This painting is about HOPE.
The hope of a broken relationship restored.
The hope  of employment or promotion.
The hope of freedom from addiction, anxiety or depression.
The hope for an end to poverty and freedom from the chains of debt.
Hope that sickness and disease would end.
Hope that joy would return.

It's inspired by a passage from the Bible in 1 Kings 18. The context of this 
painting is long-term drought.
No rain for 3 years.
Crops failing.
Hunger. Disease.
Not a cloud in the sky for years.

And then suddenly, a cloud appears on the horizon.

A cloud is seen and a noise is heard. The noise of an abundance of rain.
The hope is fast becoming realised.

The hope has been hung on to for a long time. Footprints in the ground
indicate the number of times that the hope has been searched for. Elijah
had to tell his servant to go up and look out to sea 7 times - on the 7th
visit, he reports the sighting of a cloud and shortly
afterwards it's recorded that there were black clouds and heavy rain.