Sunday 11 November 2012

Early Sunday morning at Ogden

These are just a few of the photographs that I took on this beautiful autumn morning. I will choose the best ones to work up in to original paintings. Can't wait to get started!

Thursday 8 November 2012

Hardcastle Crags, Hebden Bridge

Last week, the weather conditions were just right so I drove over to Hebden Bridge for a spot of painting.

It was that great combination of autumnal colours on the trees and on the ground with bright sunshine - a clear day, doesn't happen very often, but when it does, I like to take advantage of it and get out there.

Took a few nice photographs which I may well work up into full paintings if I get the chance and also managed to knock up this painting in about an hour and a half.

Working outdoors, away from the comfort of the studio presents a number of challenges like dealing with rapidly changing weather conditions. I really like it though because it forces you to be a bit 'looser' with your painting, you can't be over precise, just have to capture the moment and not get bogged down in too many details.