A few months ago, I wrote to my contacts inviting them to send wintery photographs which I could create paintings from to be used as Christmas cards. I was pleasantly surprised by the response, with over 100 great images being submitted. from these, I decided that the best four would be chosen and made into cards.
The paintings have now been completed. The cards printed and ready for distribution.
If you have a twitter account follow me @petechapple and copy this into a new tweet:
New Christmas Card collection now available from @petechapple www.petechapple.blogspot.com/2011/11/christmas-cards.html
and/or if you subscribe to facebook, send me a friend request ‘Peter Chapple’ and update your status with the following ‘New Christmas Card collection now available from Pete Chapple www.petechapple.blogspot.com/2011/11/christmas-cards.html
On Monday 7th November one person we will be selected at random to receive 50 of my new cards.
These are the final four photographs that were chosen together with the completed paintings:

These are the cards:
A few weeks ago I attended the One in a million charity awards fundraising dinner in Bradford and was amazed by the inspirational work that this organisation does and the positive influence it has on the lives of young people from one of the nations most deprived areas. I wanted this project to contribute in some way to this charity and so £1 from each pack of cards sold will be given to One in a Million. See www.oneinamillion.org.uk for more information
Each pack comprises 5 of each design
£11 per pack of 20 cards + Postage
£9 per pack when ordering 5 or more packs + Postage
1 pack £1.23
2 packs £2.61
3-5 packs £4.41
The cards are A6 in size printed on to high quality 350gsm card with ‘Merry Christmas’ on the inside
Contact me directly to place an order on 07792 553 273 or pete@petechapple.co.uk
Fandabbydozey!!!! You are amazing! Will purchase at w/e