Saturday, 21 April 2012

Piece Hall

Saturday 21st April 2012. I've been planning a series of paintings of the Piece Hall in Halifax. Today, I was looking after the kids all day while Mrs Chapple went to Sheffield, so I took the opportunity to lead a little field trip down to the Piece Hall to take some photographs.

Some of the units are occupied by various businesses. This one is a Cake Shop which is AMAZING - I know from experience! This is the kind of image that would work well as a watercolour. Everything works so well from the vintage style sign to the street furniture to the architecture of the building. The only way it could be improved, is to take the photograph early in the morning to get the direct sunlight.

I love the symmetry of this photo. Capturing the direct sunlight makes this image work so well. The contrast of the light and shade is a great effect that emphasizes the architectural style. 

This is another great image which really captures the architectural style. The shadows cast by the sunlight makes this image for me. I would remove the shadows cast by the bunting.

I like the way the sun casts a shadow, creating that sharp line that runs diagonally. The lady sitting outside the cake shop adds interest and I would remove the bunting.

This is another individual shop that I think would work well as a watercolour. Similar to the cake shop, this frontage just looks so inviting.

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