Sunday, 13 May 2012

The tour continues in Cambridgshire

Friday 11th - Saturday 12th May
Captured some great images during this two day tour.

The first village on my visit was a small village called Hinxton, half way between Cambridge and Saffron Walden. Loved the sign on the village hall.

Ickleton is about 1/2 a mile away from Hinxton. I saw this sign which was crying out to be photographed - it's a classic. simple.

In Balsham, near the Black Bull Pub (highly recommeded) is a little butchers with this sign out side, what's not to like?

Trumpington is a small area just south of Cambridge, I saw the way the afternoon sun struck this church. Magnificent.

About one hour after the previous photo was taken, I saw this view in Grantchester, a mile up the road. It was one of those days where the clouds are perfectly formed in the sky to create that picture perfect look. Look at the way this shot exaggerates the contrast between the highlights and shadows. I expect to work this up into an original watercolour in the near future.

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